The Power of Miracles
My aspiration is to share extraordinary events that happened in my life to inspire belief that miracles are real and that after-life communication is natural.

Sophia Demas’s stories compellingly demonstrate that receiving signs and messages from departed friends and family is perfectly natural . . . if one is open to it. She offers no complicated formula. Some of the signs she has received came after asking for them, while others appeared unsolicited. Whether the communication comes via a dream, an inner urging to act, or from an external source, the key is to recognize it and respond with gratitude.
“This book is an engaging contribution to our growing understanding of consciousness.” Foreword by Debra Green, PhD, author, Endless Energy.

Sophia Demas did not want to get married, have children, or write a book; the Universe, however, had other plans. In this penetrating memoir, Sophia examines the events in her life that at first seemed to be a series of coincidences, but upon further consideration were building blocks of the miraculous. The Divine Language of Coincidence chronicles the extraordinary events experienced by an ordinary woman, asserting that miracles are not only possible, but far more common than we may realize.